Annual Employee Notifications
The Human Resources Department is required, on an annual basis, to provide employees with the notifications listed below, which may affect the terms and conditions of employment. Classified and Certificated bargaining unit members are encouraged to refer to their applicable contract agreement in addition to referring to the listed policies, procedures, board policies and/or regulations that can be accessed on Parlier Unified School District
Appointment and Conditions of Employment*- AR 4112
Attendance Reporting Procedures- HR 2020
Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting- BP 5141.4
Contracts- AR 4112.1
Attendance Reporting Procedures- HR 2020
Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting- BP 5141.4
Contracts- AR 4112.1
Complaints- BP and AR 4244
Complaints Concerning Discrimination in Employment- AR 4031
Complaints Concerning District Employees- BP 1312.1
Criminal Record Check- AR 4212.5
Demotions/Reassignments- BP 4312.2
Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action- AR 4218
Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace- BP 4020
Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers- BP 4112.42
Duties, Responsibilities Alcohol-Free, and Rights of Employees - AR 4158.1
Employee Drug Testing
Employee Notifications- AR 4112.9
Employee Security- BP 4158, 4258, 4358
Employee Use of Technology- BP 4040
Employees with Infectious Disease- BP 4119.41, 4219.41, 4319.41
Complaints Concerning Discrimination in Employment- AR 4031
Complaints Concerning District Employees- BP 1312.1
Criminal Record Check- AR 4212.5
Demotions/Reassignments- BP 4312.2
Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action- AR 4218
Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace- BP 4020
Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers- BP 4112.42
Duties, Responsibilities Alcohol-Free, and Rights of Employees - AR 4158.1
Employee Drug Testing
Employee Notifications- AR 4112.9
Employee Security- BP 4158, 4258, 4358
Employee Use of Technology- BP 4040
Employees with Infectious Disease- BP 4119.41, 4219.41, 4319.41
Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogen; Hepatitis B vaccine declination- BP4119.42, 4219.42, 4319.42
Evaluations/Supervision- BP 4115
Health and Welfare Benefits- BP 4154, 4254, 4354
Health Examinations- AR 4112.4, 4212.4, 4312.4
Integrated Pest Management- AR 3514.2
Layoff/Rehire- AR 4217.3
Leaves- BP 4161, 4261, 4361
Nepotism: Employment of Relatives- BP 4112.8, 4212.8, 4312.8
Nondiscrimination in Employment- BP 4030
Oath or Affirmation- AR 4112.3, 4212.3, 4312.3
Personal Illness/Injury Leave- AR 4161.1
Personnel Files
Personnel Reduction
Professional Standards/Code of Conduct with Students
Recruitment and Selection
Sexual Harassment
Suspension/Disciplinary Action
Tobacco-Free Schools
Uniform Complaint Procedures- BP 1312.3
Evaluations/Supervision- BP 4115
Health and Welfare Benefits- BP 4154, 4254, 4354
Health Examinations- AR 4112.4, 4212.4, 4312.4
Integrated Pest Management- AR 3514.2
Layoff/Rehire- AR 4217.3
Leaves- BP 4161, 4261, 4361
Nepotism: Employment of Relatives- BP 4112.8, 4212.8, 4312.8
Nondiscrimination in Employment- BP 4030
Oath or Affirmation- AR 4112.3, 4212.3, 4312.3
Personal Illness/Injury Leave- AR 4161.1
Personnel Files
Personnel Reduction
Professional Standards/Code of Conduct with Students
Recruitment and Selection
Sexual Harassment
Suspension/Disciplinary Action
Tobacco-Free Schools
Uniform Complaint Procedures- BP 1312.3
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Contact Us
Human Resources
900 Newmark Ave.
Parlier, C.A. 93648
Ph: 559-646-2731
Fax: 559-888-0210
7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.