Health Services » Registration Requirements

Registration Requirements

Health Requirements for School Entry

The State of California requires all students to fulfill a number of health requirements before they can enter school. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are advised to carefully check all of the below requirements to ensure their children's health records are compliant prior to school entry. 

    1. Immunizations Required for School Entry 
      • Parents must provide their child’s Immunization Record as proof of immunization at the time of registration (See immunizations Tab)
      • An acceptable "Immunization Record" must contain the following information:
      1. Name and birthdate of the student.​​​​​
      2. Vaccine(s) type and date (month, day, year) given.
      3. Official document from the physician or agency administering the vaccine(s) must include one of the following:
        1. Physician Stamp
        2. Physician Signature
        3. Hospital/Clinic Letterhead
        4. Printout from Hospital/Clinic online medical record, with name of Hospital/Clinic identified
        5. California Immunization Registry (CAIR) printout
        6. Blue Card from another school
        7. Military Health Records
      • For students that have immunizations that are not due yet, the school will contact parent(s)/guardian(s) to request that the necessary immunizations be completed, based on the California immunization schedule
      • If your child hasn't received any/all required immunizations for medical reasons, a medical waiver from a licensed California physician (permanent or temporary) must be submitted. For medical waiver requirements, please see the Immunization Tab of the Health Services website..
    1. Tuberculosis (TB) Requirements for School Entry for students who have been out of the country/state. 
      • Students enrolling from out of the country/state are required to have their healthcare provider complete a TB Risk Assessment for School Entry form. The TB Risk Assessment for School Entry form must be completed by a United States licensed health professional.
      • TB skin or blood testing is ONLY required if their healthcare provider identifies a risk factor for TB exposure on the TB Risk Assessment form. 
  1. Health Examination for School Entry (CHDP Report) FIRST GRADE ONLY
    • California law requires a health assessment 18 months before or up to 90 days after enrolling in first grade.
*If your child has a medical condition that we should be aware of please fill out a New Health Registration Form that can be located under Health Forms Tab.


If you have questions about health enrollment requirements, please contact (559) 646-2125.