Facilities Master Plan
Introduction and Overview
About the District
Historically, Parlier schools have educated our diverse community since 1874. Parlier School District was established for the 1903-1904 school year, later incorporating as a Unified School District on July 1, 1955. Our outstanding certificated and classified workforce comprises over 300 employees.
Our District features four elementary schools, one junior high school, one high school and one alternative education school.
Our newly created Guiding Principles define what we believe, how we will interact, and what our focus will be.
Our Guiding Principles are:
Mutual Respect
Along with these Guiding Principles, we have clear District Goals that we are committed to achieving. Our District Goals are:
District-Wide Systemic Alignment
Expanding Student Opportunities
Recruit, Retain and Develop Parlier Staff
About the City of Parlier
In 1876, the I.N. Parlier family migrated from Springfield, Illinois to the present site of Parlier. The family’s name, and City’s namesake, was derived from DeParlier, their French ancestry. The Parlier family’s General Store, Trading Post and Post Office became the center of town. Small, family-run wheat farms were initially cultivated in the area. Wheat soon gave way to grapes, raisins and tree fruit, foods that Parlier continues to produce today for the world food market. Improved irrigation systems and arrival of the railroad helped Parlier establish itself as a hub among surrounding communities. Incorporated in 1921, the City of Parlier is nestled in the heart of the fertile San Joaquin Valley and is home to 12,167 residents. Parlier is ideally situated in central California 210 miles north of Los Angeles and 199 miles south of San Francisco. From its inception as an agricultural-based community and its transition to a growing diversified economy, the City of Parlier continues its steady growth by taking advantage of its position in the emerging new economy.