Education Services » Arts and Music Education

Arts and Music Education

Parlier Unified Arts Education Programs

All Parlier Unified School District students have the opportunity to engage in music and arts education that makes a positive impact in academic achievement including social and emotional development. 


  1. Ben Benavidez

Mathew J. Brletic 

Cesar E. Chavez

John C. Martinez

Parlier Jr. High School Band

Parlier Jr. High School Choir

Parlier Jr. High School Visual Arts

Parlier High School Band

Parlier High School Choir

Parlier High School Visual Arts

Music Department


The Parlier Unified Music Department will provide all students opportunities to create, appreciate, and listen to music.


David Heckman

Elementary Music, Brletic & Chavez Elementary

[email protected]

Lisa Dewhirst 

Elementary Music, Benavidez & Martinez Elementary

[email protected]

Michael Afu

Director of Bands, Parlier Junior High School

[email protected]

Sheilagh Hughes-Luna

Director of Choirs/Piano Teacher, Parlier Junior High  & Parlier High School, [email protected]

Theodore Tanaleon, Jr.  

Director of Bands, Parlier High School

[email protected]


Parlier High School Music Webpage

Parlier Jr. High School Webpage

Visual Arts Department


The Parlier Unified Visual Art Department will work to create a community of artists starting from the elementary level and articulating through high school. We will provide opportunities for students to share their creativity with the community. 

The visual arts program at the elementary sites in Parlier California offers truly amazing opportunities for your child. We, as teachers and staff, are committed to the process of art education and believe that “hands on learning” is a way for every child to grow and develop. Our hope is that students will discover a life-long love of the artistic process and grow up confident in their ability to make beautiful art. We see children as creative individuals who flourish when given the opportunity. 

We have studied the great masters such as Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Georgia O’Keeefe and many, many others. Even our youngest students have learned to paint, to use oil pastels, and to make gorgeous work. I know that all of you proud parents have an art gallery on your refrigerator right now filled with your child’s creations.

This year, in the Spring, our students will be exhibiting their work at the annual district wide outdoor showcase. Stop by and look at everything they have created.  We are also moving out into the community.  Our first offsite art venue will be taking place soon at our local Starbucks, where the staff has generously offered to display elementary work. We will be reaching out more and more to the community as we seek to create home, school, and community connections.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our department with any questions or concerns. We would love to hear from you!


Amanda Rostykus

Art & Ceramics Teacher, Parlier High School

[email protected]

Cody Brisco 

Art Teacher, Brletic & Chavez Elementary

[email protected]

Dana Ethridge

Art Teacher, Benavidez & Martinez Elementary

[email protected]g